The Remediator from Sterilis SolutionsRegulated Medical Waste (RMW) is a growing concern worldwide. Since the 1980’s, the collection and treatment of this waste stream has changed little. The hospital, clinic, or other medical facility gathers the waste in “Red Bags” and contacts a vendor for pick it up and treatment. Most RMV ultimately ends up in landfills. Sterilis Solutions, www.sterilissolutions has developed a revolutionary new product, The Remediator. The Remediator treats RMW on-site providing a multitude of benefits including reduced operating costs, reduced air pollution as well as a reduction in carbon emissions. Bring your facility into the 21st century, eliminate disposal liability, enhance regulatory compliance, increase safety, and reduce third-party dependencies with The Remediator. An added bonus to implementing The Remediator system, a segment of material components is recyclable, decreasing the overall environmental impact of this hazardous waste.